El pronostico del tiempo para Pila es: Mayormente seco. condiciones de congelación y descongelación (max 1°C el martes por la mañana, min -4°C el martes por la noche). El viento será generalmente ligero.
Pila Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Pila is: Mayormente seco. condiciones de congelación y descongelación (max 1°C el martes por la mañana, min -4°C el martes por la noche). El viento será generalmente ligero.
Pila Weather (Days 4-6): Pesada caída de nieve, más pesada durante la noche de domingo. Temperaturas serán bajo cero (max 0°C el viernes por la mañana, min -3°C el viernes por la noche). El viento será generalmente ligero.
Tiempo actual en Pila
Profundidad de Nieve
Temp. (°C)
Viento (km/h)
Remonte de arriba:
Remonte de la mitad:
Remonte de abajo:
Controlado por Snow-Forecast.com
Clima de Pila
(Proximo 3 dias):
El pronostico del tiempo para Pila es: Mayormente seco. condiciones de congelación y descongelación (max 1°C el martes por la mañana, min -4°C el martes por la noche). El viento será generalmente ligero.
Pila Clima (Dias 4 - 6 ):
Pesada caída de nieve, más pesada durante la noche de domingo. Temperaturas serán bajo cero (max 0°C el viernes por la mañana, min -3°C el viernes por la noche). El viento será generalmente ligero.
Mayormente seco. condiciones de congelación y descongelación (max 1°C el martes por la mañana, min -4°C el martes por la noche). El viento será generalmente ligero.
Proximo 4 - 6 dias resumen del clima:
Pesada caída de nieve, más pesada durante la noche de domingo. Temperaturas serán bajo cero (max 0°C el viernes por la mañana, min -3°C el viernes por la noche). El viento será generalmente ligero.
La tabla anterior muestra el pronóstico de tiempo para Pila en la altitud específica de 2100 m. Nuestros modelos meteorológicos sofisticados permiten prever pronósticos para la cumbre, la mitad y la base de Pila. Para aceder a los pronósticos de tiempo a otras alturas, pinche en la navegación en la parte superior de la tabla. Para una visión general, consulte el Mapa meteorológico de Italy.
Pinche aquí para más información sobre niveles de congelación y sobre cómo pronosticamos las temperaturas.
Comentarios de Visitantes para Pila
Generalmente 4.0 En base a 25 votos y 21 comentarios
Last had a week in Pila, which is too long, to be honest. Pila is quite small and when the snow isn't great, you're confined to the pistes, there's not really enough for more than 3 days. The lift pass covers you for 2 days at other resorts in the Aosta valley, but this is something of an illusion as there is no ski bus or easy public transport option and you need to be back at Aosta before 5pm to get the gondola back up to Pila. It only works if you stay in Aosta as a base and have your own transport.
The mountain is quite north facing, so not a huge amount of sun, but it helps to keep the snow in good condition in warm weather. Piste maintenance is good.
None of the runs are particularly long and the new black (27) was shut the whole week we were there. Red 1 is good first thing in the morning and when conditions allow, there's good off-piste below Couis 1 and 2.
Queues are not an issue, except on sunny weekends, when the locals flood the resort. There are some slow lifts, (Germondet for example) but plans for a new gondola from Aosta-Pila to Couis 1 would be transformational, if they come to pass.
What Pila needs are a couple of new, long, signature pistes, to give the resort some more oomph.
Last had a week in Pila, which is too long, to be honest. Pila is quite small and when the snow isn't great, you're confined to the pistes, there's not really enough for more than 3 days. The lift pass covers you for 2 days at other resorts in the Aosta valley, but this is something of an illusion as there is no ski bus or easy public transport option and you need to be back at Aosta before 5pm to get the gondola back up to Pila. It only works if you stay in Aosta as a base and have your own transport.
The mountain is quite north facing, so not a huge amount of sun, but it helps to keep the snow in good condition in warm weather. Piste maintenance is good.
None of the runs are particularly long and the new black (27) was shut the whole week we were there. Red 1 is good first thing in the morning and when conditions allow, there's good off-piste below Couis 1 and 2.
Queues are not an issue, except on sunny weekends, when the locals flood the resort. There are some slow lifts, (Germondet for example) but plans for a new gondola from Aosta-Pila to Couis 1 would be transformational, if they come to pass.
What Pila needs are a couple of new, long, signature pistes, to give the resort some more oomph.
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