El pronostico del tiempo para Berchtesgaden es: Mayormente seco. Temperaturas templadas (max 9°C el miércoles por la tarde, min 3°C el jueves por la noche). El viento será generalmente ligero.
Berchtesgaden Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Berchtesgaden is: Mayormente seco. Temperaturas templadas (max 9°C el miércoles por la tarde, min 3°C el jueves por la noche). El viento será generalmente ligero.
Berchtesgaden Weather (Days 4-6): Mayormente seco. Temperaturas templadas (max 9°C el domingo por la mañana, min 3°C el viernes por la noche). El viento será generalmente ligero.
Tiempo actual en Berchtesgaden
Profundidad de Nieve
Temp. (°C)
Viento (km/h)
Remonte de arriba:
Remonte de la mitad:
Remonte de abajo:
Controlado por Snow-Forecast.com
Clima de Berchtesgaden
(Proximo 3 dias):
El pronostico del tiempo para Berchtesgaden es: Mayormente seco. Temperaturas templadas (max 9°C el miércoles por la tarde, min 3°C el jueves por la noche). El viento será generalmente ligero.
Berchtesgaden Clima (Dias 4 - 6 ):
Mayormente seco. Temperaturas templadas (max 9°C el domingo por la mañana, min 3°C el viernes por la noche). El viento será generalmente ligero.
La tabla anterior muestra el pronóstico de tiempo para Berchtesgaden en la altitud específica de 1252 m. Nuestros modelos meteorológicos sofisticados permiten prever pronósticos para la cumbre, la mitad y la base de Berchtesgaden. Para aceder a los pronósticos de tiempo a otras alturas, pinche en la navegación en la parte superior de la tabla. Para una visión general, consulte el Mapa meteorológico de Germany.
Pinche aquí para más información sobre niveles de congelación y sobre cómo pronosticamos las temperaturas.
When I went to Berchtesgaden in February I was very pleased with the skiing indeed. Many people believe Berchtesgaden is a cross-country resort at heart but this is simply not true! Many websites only post information of one of the ski areas surrounding the town, this is an complete mistake! There are 5 main ski areas (Jenner, Rossfeld, Hochschwarzeck, Gotschen, Gutshof/Obersalzburg) surrounding the resort which are only 10 minutes apart but yes there are drag lifts which may be a drawback. With a total of an incredible 30 lifts and tonnes of slopes added together this surpasses what many people believe is Germany's only contribution to downhill skiing; Garmisch-Partenkirchen which has a less amazing 24 lifts. Now many people believe Berchtesgaden's low altitude is a major drawback as this may indicate bad snow cover and to say the truth I was even anxious going to the resorts Jenner ski area for the first time but that was all wiped out in one blow when I saw 3 metres on beautiful pristine snow lining the ground and on top powder which came up to your knees! Truly incredible! So next time you consider an alpine ski holiday look to Berchtesgaden to fulfil your needs for both skiers and non-skiers alike. A true alpine hidden downhill skiing gem!
When I went to Berchtesgaden in February I was very pleased with the skiing indeed. Many people believe Berchtesgaden is a cross-country resort at heart but this is simply not true! Many websites only post information of one of the ski areas surrounding the town, this is an complete mistake! There are 5 main ski areas (Jenner, Rossfeld, Hochschwarzeck, Gotschen, Gutshof/Obersalzburg) surrounding the resort which are only 10 minutes apart but yes there are drag lifts which may be a drawback. With a total of an incredible 30 lifts and tonnes of slopes added together this surpasses what many people believe is Germany's only contribution to downhill skiing; Garmisch-Partenkirchen which has a less amazing 24 lifts. Now many people believe Berchtesgaden's low altitude is a major drawback as this may indicate bad snow cover and to say the truth I was even anxious going to the resorts Jenner ski area for the first time but that was all wiped out in one blow when I saw 3 metres on beautiful pristine snow lining the ground and on top powder which came up to your knees! Truly incredible! So next time you consider an alpine ski holiday look to Berchtesgaden to fulfil your needs for both skiers and non-skiers alike. A true alpine hidden downhill skiing gem!
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