El pronostico del tiempo para Mont Orford es: Nueva capa fina de nieve, cayendo mayormente el domingo por la mañana. Temperaturas serán bajo cero (max -1°C el lunes por la tarde, min -13°C el domingo por la noche). Vientos crecientes (Vientos ligeros desde el O el domingo por la noche, casi tempestad desde el SO por la tarde de lunes).
Mont Orford Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Mont Orford is: Nueva capa fina de nieve, cayendo mayormente el domingo por la mañana. Temperaturas serán bajo cero (max -1°C el lunes por la tarde, min -13°C el domingo por la noche). Vientos crecientes (Vientos ligeros desde el O el domingo por la noche, casi tempestad desde el SO por la tarde de lunes).
Mont Orford Weather (Days 4-6): Caída moderada de nieve, más pesada el miércoles por la noche. Temperaturas serán bajo cero (max 0°C el jueves por la mañana, min -21°C el viernes por la noche). Mayormente vientos frescos.
Tiempo actual en Mont Orford
Profundidad de Nieve
Temp. (°C)
Viento (km/h)
Remonte de arriba:
Remonte de la mitad:
Remonte de abajo:
Controlado por Snow-Forecast.com
Clima de Mont Orford
(Proximo 3 dias):
El pronostico del tiempo para Mont Orford es: Nueva capa fina de nieve, cayendo mayormente el domingo por la mañana. Temperaturas serán bajo cero (max -1°C el lunes por la tarde, min -13°C el domingo por la noche). Vientos crecientes (Vientos ligeros desde el O el domingo por la noche, casi tempestad desde el SO por la tarde de lunes).
Mont Orford Clima (Dias 4 - 6 ):
Caída moderada de nieve, más pesada el miércoles por la noche. Temperaturas serán bajo cero (max 0°C el jueves por la mañana, min -21°C el viernes por la noche). Mayormente vientos frescos.
Mother Nature kept the winter going again today, giving us 9-10 cm of beautiful light powder overnight. Everything you need for smooth turns. What a pleasure. The conditions are magnificent, and you'll still have snow to track this morning
Have a good day desde Mont Sutton
Nueva capa fina de nieve, cayendo mayormente el domingo por la mañana. Temperaturas serán bajo cero (max -1°C el lunes por la tarde, min -13°C el domingo por la noche). Vientos crecientes (Vientos ligeros desde el O el domingo por la noche, casi tempestad desde el SO por la tarde de lunes).
Proximo 4 - 6 dias resumen del clima:
Caída moderada de nieve, más pesada el miércoles por la noche. Temperaturas serán bajo cero (max 0°C el jueves por la mañana, min -21°C el viernes por la noche). Mayormente vientos frescos.
Mother Nature kept the winter going again today, giving us 9-10 cm of beautiful light powder overnight. Everything you need for smooth turns. What a pleasure. The conditions are magnificent, and you'll still have snow to track this morning
Have a good day desde Mont Sutton
La tabla anterior muestra el pronóstico de tiempo para Mont Orford en la altitud específica de 853 m. Nuestros modelos meteorológicos sofisticados permiten prever pronósticos para la cumbre, la mitad y la base de Mont Orford. Para aceder a los pronósticos de tiempo a otras alturas, pinche en la navegación en la parte superior de la tabla. Para una visión general, consulte el Mapa meteorológico de Canada.
Pinche aquí para más información sobre niveles de congelación y sobre cómo pronosticamos las temperaturas.
Skied Mont Orford for the first time Dec 30/19 to Jan 2/19. Family of 5: 2 adults, 2 youth(13 & 16), 1 child(10yo), all of whom have been skiing for about 7 years (Bristol Mtn, Gore, Mt Ste. Anne, Massif, Tremblant). Very icy the first day but got a great dump of snow for the next three days. Stuck to the greens and blues as the blacks were very icy due to wind. The 4km and Famiiliale were quite good as well as Magog. The kids loved Escapade and Foret Magique. There is only one real building but it is large and we had no problems finding space for our stuff. There is a microwave in the basement along with nice washrooms. There were really only two lifts: express quad and an express hybrid (6 seat lift/8 seat gondola). There was a triple working every once in a while part way up the main hill. The lift lines can get long, especially for the quad - lots of switchbacks. The staff was exceptionally nice and put up with my terrible French and switched to English with no problems. It is nice buying lift tickets inside rather than waiting in the cold. There was only a long line on our last day but it moved very quickly. The views from the summits are gorgeous. You can see across the valley and the lake to Owl's Head, another resort. The town of Magog is larger than you think and has everything you need (multiple grocery stores, CTC, Walmart). There is also a 2.5km ice skating trail down by the lake that is free (parking costs a little bit).
Skied Mont Orford for the first time Dec 30/19 to Jan 2/19. Family of 5: 2 adults, 2 youth(13 & 16), 1 child(10yo), all of whom have been skiing for about 7 years (Bristol Mtn, Gore, Mt Ste. Anne, Massif, Tremblant). Very icy the first day but got a great dump of snow for the next three days. Stuck to the greens and blues as the blacks were very icy due to wind. The 4km and Famiiliale were quite good as well as Magog. The kids loved Escapade and Foret Magique. There is only one real building but it is large and we had no problems finding space for our stuff. There is a microwave in the basement along with nice washrooms. There were really only two lifts: express quad and an express hybrid (6 seat lift/8 seat gondola). There was a triple working every once in a while part way up the main hill. The lift lines can get long, especially for the quad - lots of switchbacks. The staff was exceptionally nice and put up with my terrible French and switched to English with no problems. It is nice buying lift tickets inside rather than waiting in the cold. There was only a long line on our last day but it moved very quickly. The views from the summits are gorgeous. You can see across the valley and the lake to Owl's Head, another resort. The town of Magog is larger than you think and has everything you need (multiple grocery stores, CTC, Walmart). There is also a 2.5km ice skating trail down by the lake that is free (parking costs a little bit).
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El widget del tiempo para esquiar para Mont Orford está disponible para ser empotrado en sitios web externos sin costo alguno. Proporciona un resumen diario de nuestro pronóstico de nieve en Mont Orford y estados de tiempo actuales. Vaya simplemente a la página para su configuración y siga los 3 pasos sencillos. Tome el código de transferencia del hipertexto y péguelo en su propio sitio web. Puede escoger la elevación en el pronóstico de nieve (cumbre, ascensor de medio-montaña o fondo) y unidades métrico/imperiales para el motor del pronóstico de nieve y convenir su propio website…. Click aquí para obtener el código